Next trainings on commissioning of “Electronic test system” launched

13 April 2017 - 15:00 | Important events

It is known that according to the decision of Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences "On the approval of the subjects program and testing banks”, dated November 4, 2015, doctoral entrance exams and doctoral exams are carried out by testing method. In this process, technical support on the application of information and communication technologies to the scientific institutions of ANAS was entrusted to the Institute of Information Technology.

Electronic test systems are successfully implemented in the 25 institute of ANAS. On the initiative of the ANAS administration and in order to improve the exam organization, trainings “Electron testing system” is organized for responsible employees of Education departments in the institutions of ANAS.

On April 12, the Training Innovation Center (TIC) Institute of Information Technology has launched next trainings.

Reporting in front of training participants, Deputy Director of the Institute for Technologies, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov noted that currently testing technology is widely used in the educational process, and this system is of great importance in terms of to ensure transparency during exams, and assess participants' knowledge more objective.

According to him, software for holding exams based on testing technology has been developed by the specialists of the institute.

Note that, the institute has developed an instruction of rules for using electronic test. Insturction conducts etering data into the system, making the editing process, as well as the achievement of results.

Training will continue until April 26, the participants’ knowledge will be evaluated on the basis of the exam, and successful ones to be presented certificates.

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