It is necessary to improve the mathematical supply of scientific researches

13 April 2017 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminars devoted to the discussion of strengthen research activities of the department No. 17 of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Academician-Secretary of theAzerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Information Technology, head of the department, academician Rasim Aliguliyev gave instructions to employees for strengthening scientific activities. He said that it is important taking measures to improve the mathematical supply of research in the department.

Rasim Aliquliyev spoke about the importance of the development of scientometric thinking of department officials. Scientometric approaches are of great importance for the promotion of scientific activities of the scientists.The director of the institute advised to the department's employees to regularly use the prestigious scientific bases such as "Web of Science", "Google Scholar" and others.

Academician noted that references are the indicators of the necessity and the importance of research, the highest reference index is the indicator of the scientist’s acception by the scientific community.

Finally, discussions, suggestions and recommendations were performed.

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