The activity of the Institute in the international scientific bases has to be promoted

12 April 2017 - 09:38 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Academician-secretary of ANAS, directorof the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev spoke about duties and work to be done to improve scientometric indicators.

He said that recently various events on Scientometrics were held at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, as well as the Ministry of Education, discussions and relevant decisions had been taken. He stressed that Azerbaijan's integration into the international world of science, scientific recognition process of our scientists is based on scientometric approaches. One of the main directions of the reforms carried out in the institute is to develop scientometric thinking of the scientific researchers.

Most of researchers of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences used "Thomson Reuters" international scientific base and academician talked about a cooperation agreeement signed between the organization and Academy. He noted that according to the contract more than 40 institutionsof ANAS and most scientists and experts working there obtained opportunity to use bibliometric network of this platform ("Web of Science").

 "Recently new opportunities opened in front of the Azerbaijani scienceç said Rasim Aliquliyev. Each researcher should use these opportunities effectively, should become carriers of scientific knowledge. To this end, scientist advised to the employees of the institute to use prestigious scientific bases, to register scientific bases such as "Web of Science", "Google Scholar", to be active in social networks.

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