Data Mining technologies are investigated

07 April 2017 - 17:36 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No13 of the Institute of Information Technologywas held.

Master of the Institute presented her report on “Data Mining”. She noted that” Data Mining”courses have started in order to teach the masters and Phd students of the department.  The course will be based on the “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques". According to “Google Scholar” database this book has more than 32.000 references in the field of Data Mining. According to the Sh. Mansurava one of the authors of the “Data miining: Concepts and Techniques” book Jiawei Hann is the second most cited scientist.

Reporter noted that Data Mining is new and dinamic developing sceince. Through Data Mining from Big Data new information and necessary knowledge are getting.She gaved detailed information about the first sectioon of the book-Necessity of investigatin Data Mining, Data Mining technologies, Data Mining's role in the process of knowledge discovery, stages of knowledge discory process, databases, intellectual analysis methodology, Main problems of data Moining, social impacts etc.

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