7 April-Birthday of Runet

07 April 2017 - 13:00 | Interesting information
7 April-Birthday of Runet

April 7 marks a significant date for all users of the Russian-language Internet - RuNet's Birthday (RuNet). On April 7, 1994, the domain .Ru was registered for Russia and entered into the international database of national top-level domains.

Before that, on December 4, 1993, the Agreement on the Procedure for Administering the .RU Zone was signed at a meeting of the largest Russian providers of the time (Demos Plus, Techno, GlasNet, SovAm Teleport, EUnet / Relcom, X-Atom, FREEnet). Thus, Russia was officially recognized by the state represented on the Internet.

According to the agreement, the responsibilities for administration and technical support of the .RU national domain were transferred to the Russian Research Institute for Development of Public Networks (RIPN), which until 2000 registered all domains in the RU zone.

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