Electron terminography envisages to develop electron terminological dictionaries

05 April 2017 - 09:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A next scientificseminar of Department No. 5 on electron terminography was held at the Institute of Information Technology.

A report was delivered by the colleague of the institute Sabina Fomenko. information technology has become an integral part of the various activity areas, as well as, linguistics, she noted. Linguistics was divided into 3 branches; theoretical, practical and applied. She informed about lexicography that deals with the art or craft of compiling, writing and editing dictionaries. Computer lexicography is an  area of  applied  linguistics directed to  the implementation of program support in the development of computer dictionaries, linguistics databases and  lexicography work.

The subdivision of lexicography, terminography is a science about the use, development and  design of custom dictionaries, she noted. S. Famenko also informed about  the principles of electron terminography that envisages the development of electron terminological  dictionaries.

"Electron dictionaries allows to express the content of dictionary articles by means of graphics and multimedia tools'', - S.Fomenko said.

 In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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