April 4 - International Internet Day

04 April 2017 - 09:00 | Interesting information
April 4 - International Internet Day

Today,  International Internet Day is celebrated worldwide.

In 1998, the International Internet Day was established by Pope John Paul II. According to him, the Internet is a kind of encyclopedia of human knowledge. Therefore, Isidore from  Seville,  who compiled the first 20-volume encyclopedia,  can be considered a founder of World Wide Web.   He has introduced a system of cross-references in his work for the first time, and they  remind hyperlinks are used in the network.

Still, there was no agreement on the exact date  of the International Internet Day. So, , as a rule, every country  marks  International Internet Day in  the opening day of the national domain zone(for example, Ukraine, December 14, Uzbekistan 29 April, Russia April 7). Moreover, the Russian Federation celebrates World Wide Web on September 30. But, in general , International Internet Day is celebrated worldwide, every year on 4th of April . 

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