International experience on gesture language teaching

31 March 2017 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A regular scientific seminar of Training Innovation Center dedicated to subject "teaching of gesture (sign) language" was held at the Institute of Information Technology. The report was delivered by colleague of institute  Kamala Gurbanova. She gave detailed information about  teaching problems of non-verbal communication, gesture language, international experience in this field and so on.

K.Qurbanova said that in order to pass gesture language to the next generation knowledge collection began in the eighteenth century. This language was developed by Charles Michel De Lepenin in France and Samuel Heynikenin in Germany. in 1770, In Paris a school for hearing-impaired children began to operate. 

With the help of Loren Klerkin, follower of  Charles Michel De Lepenin the first permanent school on the basis of the French technique  started its activity  in 1817, in Connecticut . In 1973, the first university for people with limited hearing  was opened in Washington.

According to the speaker, a school for children with speech and hearing impairment  was opened  in Samner, New Zealand in 1878, and in Copenhagen, in 1867.  Sign language officially accepted and approved  in VII World Congress of the Deaf . sign language received the status of an official language in New Zealand (2006) and Iceland (2011) .

"132 organizations representing 70 million hearing-impaired people  operates in the World Deaf Association established In 1951and more than 300 sign language registered,-K.Qurbanova said.

The first Surdo pedagogic school  was opened in Moscow in 1860 and German methods were applied in this school .  From the second half of the twentieth century schools operating  with Russian technique were opened in  all CIS countries.   

Fine Arts faculty for the hearing and speech impaired people operates  at the  A.I. Gertsen Russian State University of Education,  in St. Petersburg.  Subjects on Surd pedagogic  specialty are taught   at defectology faculty  at Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow State Humanitarian University and Moscow City Pedagogical University.

On Web sites like and  www. online learning of gesture language is available , K.Qurbanova noted.

In Baku, the first school for the hearing-impaired people  has been operating since 1962. She noted that, special schools for disable people  operates Ganja, Sumgait, Mingachevir, Lankaran and other cities of Azerbaijan.Various tiflo and Surdo films are being prepared for the vision, speech and hearing impaired people In Cinema Service Department of the Baku City Executive Power, K.Qurbanova noted. Personnel training in Surdo pedagogic specialty, development of new sign language in accordance with Latin alphabet,  preparation of books in gesture language, information programs  and  surdo translation in the TVs, as well as, organization of courses in ICT training of hearing-impaired people  are very necessary.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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