An international conference to be held with co-organization of institute in Kursk

15 March 2017 - 15:00 | Important events
An international conference to be held with co-organization of institute in Kursk

On May 16-19, 2017, in Kursk, Russia, "Распознавание - 2017"  XIII International scientific-technical conference  will be held dedicated to Optoelectronic equipment  and devices  in recognition of images, characters, character images and information processing systems.

Mathematical theory of processing, analysis, recognition and understanding of images, fundamentals of design and calculation of systems of machine (technical) vision, algorithmic, software and technical means of information processing, Specialized computing facilities, parallel and distributed computing, automation and control of production processes using optoelectronic systems (robotic systems), bifurcations and chaos in electronics and information processing systems, Telecommunication networks and video information systems,  new information technologies in education are  the main directions of the conference.

Note that, , academician-secretary of ANAS, director of  the institute, academic Rasim Alguliyev is member of the program committee.

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