Surgeons conducted a complex operation using augmented reality

28 February 2017 - 15:04 | Interesting information
Surgeons conducted a complex operation using augmented reality

We used to refer to the augmented and virtual reality as an unusual, but it is not too interesting toys, but the developers did have positioned them as work platforms. Oddly enough, the AR-headset found herself in medicine: medical team conducted complicated operation on the spine, using Microsoft HoloLens.

Augmented reality glasses from Microsoft has recently passed the most real baptism of fire. Brazilian team of doctors, led by surgeon Enrique Lampert, armed with AR-glasses HoloLens for arthrodesis, surgery to create an artificial joint ankylosis. The bottom line was that the doctors had set screws for fixation of the spine, and AR-headset here was just what we needed.

Before the operation, the team created a 3D-model of the spine by means of computed tomography, and brought to the ideal projection HoloLens screws location - it was important not to miss, because the slightest mistake could cause serious damage to the nervous tissue. In practice, it turned out that the AR-headset cheaper specialized implant CT, while it coped with its task is not worse.

The main disadvantage - it is, of course, the picture quality: because of the low power, frame rates and image detail may not be enough to simulate a complex operation. However, until Microsoft realized it and did not put forward to the market business model for physicians, Lampert took up the development of a special rate for surgeons who are interested in his method.