Analysis of text tonality allows to evaluate the emotional content of user information in social networks

24 February 2017 - 12:30 | Conferences, assemblies
Analysis of text tonality allows to  evaluate  the emotional content of user information in social networks

Sector chief of the institute Irada Alakbarova made a presentation on topic “Emotion Informatics: analysis methods of text tonality" in a scientific seminar dedicated to the International Mother Language Day. Noting that emotion is complex and complicated form of human sensation reporter said that emotionology has become one of the areas of computer science research with the development of ICT.

"Information  about emotion can be obtained from data in different static types or dynamic modes automatically," – sector chief said.

Presenting factors that define text tonality lecturer paid attention to the tone analysis fields, methods of emotions in text, key trends in emotion analysis, including the approaches to the analysis of text tonality.

She noted that analysis of text tonality allows to evaluate the emotional content of user information in social networks.  The automatic determination of emotions allows businesses to analyze comments about their products in social media, as well as, to detect information about illegal activities in the field of national security.  According to the speaker, "Opinion Mining" and "Sentiment analysis" algorithms are widely used  for the automatic evaluation of events, products, organizations, individuals and countries in social media tools in real-time regime.

At the end, Irada Alakbarova gave detailed information about "Tone Analyzer", "Kanjoya", "Lexalytics", "Taste Analytics", "Pulse of theNation" systems that define the emotional tonality  of texts , as well as, conferences held in this area,  publications on the analysis of emotions.

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