The technology to create high-quality holographic displays was developed

13 February 2017 - 15:00 | Technological innovations
The technology to create high-quality holographic displays was developed

Creating a holographic display, which would be high-quality and at the same time accessible to everyone - it is very distant future. However, developments in this area are under way. And recently, researchers from the Korea Institute of Science and advanced technologies could create a dynamic three-dimensional prototype of a new type of holographic display, the parameters of which are more than 2,5 thousand times greater than any existing analog parameters.

Currently, the "bottleneck" of holographic technology is the matrix consisting of the conventional two-dimensional pixel. In their work the researchers used simple Korean high-quality display, and as a carrier of information served as the front of the optical pulse, which was used to create a special modulator. This combination made it possible to create high-hologram size of 1 cubic centimeter.