Safer Internet Day was celebrated at the Institute of Information Technology

07 February 2017 - 17:09 | Conferences, assemblies

On 7 February 2017, the Institute of Information Technology held a scientific seminar on International Safer Internet Day. Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of  the institute, Academician Rasim Alguliyev opened the event and gave information about the agenda. Involvement  the attention of the international  community to promote  safer  Internet , conduct an awareness work in network, engage children and teenagers to the safer and more responsible use of the Internet are the main objectives of meeting, he noted.

Then, sector chief of the Training Innovation Center Sabira Ojagverdieva delivered a report on subject «Mechanisms for ensuring the safety of children on the Internet" . The existence of threats give impetus to the emergence of problems  in real life or on  online environment . The majority of children are duped, exposed to violence, face with technical and socio-psychological threats on Internet, she emphasized. She noted that in order to prevent threats directed to underage Internet users different technological methods, techniques and software tools are being used.

S.Ojagverdiyev spoke about the advantages of "Windows Family Safety" program allowing parents to protect  children from harmful sites and to control them on the Internet.

Filtration of  social networks ,websites and search sites, control over the sending and receiving of data through anti-virus programs such as "McAfee Family Protection" and "Norton Family" that serve to provide parental control  are being implemented , she noted.

Speaking about the legal base to ensure the safety of children on the Internet, reporter  informed about  "The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act" adopted on April 21, 2000, in USA.

Development and application of  "safe Internet" mechanism for  the protection of children from  illegal and dangerous content within  "National Strategy for Information Society Development in Azerbaijan for 2014-2020" approved by the President Ilham Aliyev are intended, she said.

Afterwards the employee of the International Relations Department Aysel Aliyeva made a report on “Activities carried out in Safer Internet Day”. She noted that every year it was celebrated in all most countries. According to her words, current year it is celebrated with the slogan of “Be the change.Unite for a better Internet”. At this day SID lead one or more actions which may include but are not limited to: the launch of an awareness campaign in the media (for example via video clips, radio announcements, songs, banners in social networking sites etc), a special television programme, a competition for children, a conference with leading figures in the sector in particular parents, children, researchers and industry, a press conference involving celebrities who support SID.

Reporter draw to the listeners’ attention to the education packs which is made by the United Kingdom Safer Internet Center with Childnet International. She stateed that this education packs include lesson plans, posters, banners, presentations and so on.Education packs are classified acording to the age.

Senior reserch fellow of the Institute Nazakat Malikova made a report on “Psychometric analysis of Internet addiction of children and teenagers”. She gaved detailed information about methods used to determine specific types of Internet addiction in children and adolescents, consiquences etc.

She noted that internet addiiction depends on various factors and pshycological factor plays an important role here. According to her, to assess the psychological status of children and adolescents on the Internet, psychological analysis should be carried out, psychological status should be determined.

N.Malikova presented the observation, experiment, modeling, statistical, or interview requests methods of psychological research.

At the end Malikova gave information about the international conferences and international organisations working in this field.

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