Azerbaijan ranked 46 for the use of ICT in business to business transactions

02 April 2014 - 11:00 | Important events
Azerbaijan ranked 46 for the use of ICT in business to business transactions

Azerbaijan ranked 46 for the use of ICT in business to business transactions, as well as ranked 50 for the use of ICT in the business to customer transactions, 77 for the country's involvement in the global market, according to "Global trade recruitment - 2014" report of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Note that the report covered 138 countries and is based on the ETI trade recruitment index and 4 indicators as "Output to domestic markets", "Administrative control in border", "Business environment" and "Transport and utility infrastructure".

According to the report, Azerbaijan ranked 66 for the Output to domestic markets in 2014, 94 for the administrative control in border, 58 for business environment of the country, and 45 for the level of infrastructure.