Scintific research will be continued on various problems of information security

17 January 2017 - 15:19 | Conferences, assemblies
Scintific research will be continued on various problems of information security

The Head of the department No. 2 of the Institute, PhD Yadigar Imamverdiyev gave information about action plan for the department in 2017 during his speech. He said, during the year methods and algorithyms of ensuring information security in the (Big Data) will be taken into account.

According to him, in the department Development of methods and algorithms for the synthesis of intelligent monitoring systems of computer networks are also planned. During the year, development of methods and architecture for the detection of distributed DoS attacks at early-stage and to prevent them are planned

Last year, a number of significant results had been achieved at scientific researches in the field of information security in cloud technologies. Researchs will be expanding in this direction in 2017, he said.

 "Cyber-physical systems are the main driving force of the 4th industrial revolution, and one of the main problems in complex systems is information security".

He spoke about the scientific and innovative activities of the department, noted that in the current year important measures will be taken into account to improve performance in the field of AzScienceNet information security. The grant will be carried out on the implementation of the projects.

The head of the department said that development of a number of innovative programs in the department for students studying for master's degree in the institute and teaching them, are also planned.

In the end, exchanged views on a plan of action, suggestions and recommendations were made.