Scientific seminar dedicated to the problems of e-learning held

16 January 2017 - 14:52 | Conferences, assemblies

Today, revolutionary changes  occur  in the development of education system around the world. The development of e-learning and distance education in Azerbaijan is the outstanding task of scientific and educational institutions,  Academician-Secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev highlighted.  Experience, achievements of  the world's leading universities and new visions  have to be investigated.

Investigation of application problems of ICT in education is the main objective of institute,  scholar  noted.

Then,   head of department, PhD Firudin  Agayev delivered  a report on subject  "Problems and prospects  in E-education sphere ".  E-education  allows  to economize teaching materials costs and  take lessons from a distance, he said.

Noting that numerous aspects exist in development of e- education, methodological support, technical support, software, information provision and so on. are included to this field.  Speaking about opportunities of Big data, he said that, big data allows experts to organize individualized courses.

In the end, the report was discussed, questions were answered.

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