KFC Partners With Baidu to Open Smart Restaurants

05 January 2017 - 09:08 | Interesting information
KFC Partners With Baidu to Open Smart Restaurants

Chinese tech giant Baidu has partnered with the American food-chain company KFC to open a smart restaurant in Beijing that recommends meals to customers by scanning their faces. The smart kiosks will make the decision based on facial recognition technology, detecting the customer's age, gender, and their mood on the basis of their facial expression.

The restaurant also offers up augmented reality games via table stickers, but these are also deployed at 300 other KFC locations in Beijing. The facial recognition tech is unique to this one location, though Baidu has previously worked with KFC on another type of smart restaurant at a pilot location in Shanghai, where a robot customer service agent can listen for and recognize orders made by customers using natural language input.


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