The head of department collaborates with leading international journals

30 December 2016 - 10:00 | Important events

Head of department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, D.Sc. Ramiz Aliguliyev has been collaborated with the prestigious journals in the field of computer sciences for many years. Along publishing innovations acquired in  data mining, Big Data, Scientometrics  and other fields, scholar actively involved in the review process.

In this regard, cooperation was evaluated by the editorial staff of the "Elsevier" and certificates were presented to Ramiz Aliguliyev.

Certificates  were  presented by "Applied Soft Computing Journal", "Knowledge-Based Systems", "The Journal of Systems and Software" and "Computers and Education"  journals. Note that, these journalsscholar have got high citation index in scientific bases  of "Web of Knowledge" of "Thomson Reuters" and "Scopus" of  "Elsevier".

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