Ericsson's 10 hot consumer trends for 2017: AI and virtual reality

26 December 2016 - 11:00 | Interesting information
Ericsson's 10 hot consumer trends for 2017: AI and virtual reality

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) ConsumerLab published its "The 10 hot consumer trends for 2017 and Beyond" which opens a new window for the future.

Artificial intelligence is everywhere 

35 percent of the advanced Internet users want their offices to have an artificial intelligence consultant and one third of the users want to have an AI as their manager. Moreover, almost half of the respondents concern that artificial intelligent robots will take over people's jobs.

Internet of Things will spread

As more and more automatized applications are introduced in consumers' lives every day, the spreading speed of Internet of Things increases. Two out of every five respondents believe that their smart phones will soon learn their habits and take action automatically instead of them.

Pedestrians drive autonomus cars

Drivers may be a thing of the past in the future. One in every four pedestrians thinks that crossing a street where self-driving cars operate is safer. 65 percent of the pedestrians, on the other hand, state that they prefer to have a self-driving car.

Merged Reality

Almost four out of five virtual reality users believe virtual reality will be indistinguishable from reality in only three years. Half of the participants are also interested in gloves or shoes that allow you to interact with virtual objects as if they were part of the physical surroundings.

Bodies out of sync

When the self-driving cars become a thing of our lives, the car sickness cases will increase. Three out of every 10 people believe that they will have to use car sickness pills in self-driving cars.

The smart device safety paradox

More than half of the respondents make use of panic buttons, smart locators and identity authenticators of their smart phones. Three out of every five people who feel safer with their smart phones take more risks in their lives.

Social Silos

Today, people are using their social media accounts as "silo" by their own choice. One in every three people state that they see social media networks as a source for news. More than a quarter values their contacts' opinions more than politicians' viewpoints.


One of five Internet users prefer to use encoded services, yet there is a split in opinions. While half of the users think that privacy at a reasonable level should be given to all services, more than one third of the users believe that privacy no longer exist. 


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