A report of Physical,Mathematical and Technical Sciences Department delivered

23 December 2016 - 16:27 | Conferences, assemblies

Today, Institute of Information Technology held a reporting meeting of the institutes of Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS for 2016. Opening the event, Academician-Secretary of the Department, Director of the Institute of Physics, and corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov spoke about the issues on the agenda. He noted that, the session will discuss the activities of the 6 institutions of Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences for the current year.

Presenting the annual report of the Institute of Physics of ANAS, Deputy Director of the Institute for Science, Academician Javad Abdinov reported that, 40 research works on 9 themes were carried out in 3 directionsby employees of the institute in the reporting year. 249 articles were published in authoritative journals of foreign countries, including, 232 articles in journals with impact factor and  102 in national. In 2016, 4328 references were recorded in the articles of employees of the Institute.

Presenting the annual report of the Institute Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, Director of the institute, Professor Misir Mardanov brought to the attention that, institute have carried out important research work and scientific and organizational activities in the current year. He noted that, as a whole, 332 scientific works were published by employees of the Institute - 200 articles, 121 thesis, 7 monographs and 6 textbooks in the reporting year. 78 articles were published in journals with impact factor of international scientific Thomson Reuter database.

Presenting the annual report of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, Director of the institute, Academician Telman Aliyev noted that, the institute was conducted with extensive application value 9 research works on 17 themes and a number of important scientific results in 2016. In the reporting year, 2 thesis were defended  for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 6 theses for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

T. Aliyev noted that, in 2016, 359 scientific papers were published, including 6 monographs, 3 from 6 monography and 132 from 210 articles were published in abroad. Among them 20 articles were published in the database of "Thomson Reuters", 23 - in «Scopus», and 89 - in other reputable foreign journals.

Speaking in connection with the annual report on the activities of the Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, acting Director of the Institute, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oktay Samadov reported that, 21 scientific and research work on 11 topics, covering the 4 issues were  carried out in 2016. He also informed about the research works conducted by employees of the Institute of Radiation Problems at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russian Federation.

Presenting the annual report, Acting Director of ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after Nasreddin Tusi (SAO), corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov said that in the current year 11 research papers on 4 themes and 3 issues were held in SAO. He also brought to the attention, information on important scientific achievements and successes of the work carried out by this organization in the field of practical astrophysics.

Presenting the annual report of the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Baku State University Institute, Director of the Institute, Academician Fikrat Aliyev informed about the main directions of research carried out, participation in international and republican events, articles published in reputable scientific journals and magazines of the world institution.

Pro-rector of the National Aviation Academy, corresponding member of ANAS Afiq Hasanov noted that, research work in the name of 31, and 18 scientific fields carried out in the Academy. He noted that, in the 2015-2016, 230 articles were published in journals  and abstracts staff structure, 127 of which were published in the country, and 103 - abroad.

Director of the newly established ANAS Institute of Biophysics, Doctor of Physical and mathematical sciences Oktay Gasimov informed about the structural subdivisions of the Institute, the main activities and events.

Then, Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke about scientific achievements in 2016. He noted that, research in the area of Big Data and Data mining, cloud computing, information security, biometric technology, the information society were conducted. He stressed that, great progress has been made.

He noted that, during the reporting year, members of the Institute participated in international and national conferences with 180 lectures and 72 articles were  published in various scientific journals. In addition, the institute  published 1 book and 4 express information.

R.Alguliyev also gave information about scientific-organizational, scientific and innovative activities of the institute, international cooperation, international projects, cooperation with universities and work in different directions in 2016.

After discussions reports of department institutions were adopted.

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