Rasim Aliquliyev: “Intellectual cadres must be trained in the field of software engineering”

19 December 2016 - 16:40 | Conferences, assemblies

The main goal of the program is to develop this area by studying scientific theoretical problems of engineering and was to achieve national software products to the world market.

This is the opinion was delivered by the director of the Institute of Information Technologies, academician-secretary of ANAS ,academician Rasim Aliguliyev at the institute scientific seminar "Software engineering, a modern state, problems and prospects", on 16 December 2016. Speaking about the significance of the event, he stated that scientists, academics and professionals engaged in the information technology, should study security, legal and economic aspects of software engineering. To the development of Software engineering in the country president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh also pays attention.

Then the doctor of technical sciences, professor Nadir Agayev made a report on "To acquire knowledge in a virtual environment: the current situation, problems and prospects" at the conference. That said, the virtual learning system is special technoknwledge system, which combines all the features of traditional education system. This system was created in late 1996, the scientiststated that the system has been widely used of online courses and virtual learning system. He spoke about the main elements of the existing virtual systems, said that here includes the student web-portal, curriculum management system, teaching materials, synchronous communication tools and so on.

A senior fellow of the Institute Tamilla Bayramova presented the report "The current situation and problems of software engineering education”. Earlier, she briefed about the history of the development of the software, noted that software term was worked out by John Tyuke for the first time. In the field of software engieering, international conferences held since 1975, she noticed. She noted that the software engineering is the sphere which involved in the creation of very large and complex software systems of computer science and technology.

Chief project engineer of the institute, PhD, associate professor Shafagat Mahmudova madea report on "Programming development stages". "One of the main objectives in the field of software engineering is the consumption of software products ", - the speaker noted that technical, economic and social requirements of this product must meet ruquirements.

He spoke about the scientists in the field of programming. She said, the first programming language created by German scientist Konrad Zuse in 1943-1945 and named Plankalkul. This language is considered to be the world's first high-level programming language.

Shafat Mahmudovaas well as spoke about the modern programming languages, problems of programming languages, as well as the current state of the programming in Azerbaijan, and noted some interesting statistics about programmers.