Model and method for the assessment of individuals' information culture was proposed

15 December 2016 - 15:33 | Conferences, assemblies

Institute of Information Technology Training Innovation Centre (TIC) report for the year 2016 was heard. Presenting the report the head of the center Rasmiyya Mahmudov informed about the research activities and noted that the investigations are being carried out on the problems of developing culture of information over the years, analysis of the integration of intellectual game technology in teaching computer science, methods and algorithms to ensure the safety of information security of children on the Internet and associated with non-verbal communication. She noted that as a result of scientific research in the 3 books, 5 article and 6 conference materials has been published in. Some of them have been published in influential publications of foreign countries.

She gave detailed information about the scientific innovation and practical activities of the TIC, R.Mahmudova talked about the teaching and examinations of "Informatics" to doctoral students. She noted that during the year 2016, 1449 doctoral students and candidates from scientific and educational institutions of the republic took part in the" Computer Science" courses and took doctoral exam. 682 graduates of them were Phd, 767 candidates for a degree.

Republican Olympiad in Informatics among high school students has been organized, said Rasmiyya Mahmudova.

The rapporteur also provided information about TIC scientific and scientific-organizational activities over the year, promotion of scientific and practical results in the media and advertising-marketing activities as part of the organization of work and scientometric indicators of staff.

The report was adopted by the department, a number of proposals and recommendations were made.