Refute the popular myth about Internet passwords

30 November 2016 - 16:40 | Interesting information
Refute the popular myth about Internet passwords

Frequent change of passwords allegedly for ensuring security of user’s data is a "bad idea." This was delivered by founder of  PasswordsCon conference, expert Per Torskhaym ,which appeared in the official blog of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Twitter. Employees of office  recommended that those involved in online sales should use strong passwords and change them often.

It is surprising and sad to see how the FBI continues to give bad advice, when there is research that many organizations and even the government argue that change their passwords more often than every six months - it is a bad idea, "- he said in an interview.

According to, the best way to keep data safe is to use password managers that allow you to use a unique password for a particular account. In addition, using two-factor authentication influence a positive effect to the safety of accounts.

At the same time, it is necessary to change passwords s, if the personal database was stolen by hackers.

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