Researches on the basis of scientific and theoretical software conducted

29 November 2016 - 13:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of department, PhD  Tofig Kazimov presented the report of No. 9 department of the institute for the current year. He informed about scientific research activities, scientific seminars, conferences and symposiums and articles published  in  prestigious  scientific journals.

New algorithm determining importance of rate of  geometric features used in identification of person's racial or ethnic factors is proposed. In addition, existing methods and trends in the field of anthropology were analyzed.

In the current year, application issues of patients' electronic medical cards  and establishment principles of  information systems in e-medicine, as well as, application opportunities of biometric technology in e-medicine have been investigated.

Researches on subjects "Development of methods and algorithms for identification of person on the basis of prints of hand’s  vessels'' and  "Identification of racial and ethnic origin based  on patterns of Man’s palm" were conducted, reporter noted.

Existing mathematical models to ensure the reliability of programs, standards used in software, as well as, establishment of systems based on artificial intelligence systems and forthcoming threats were investigated, he noted.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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