Opportunities of AzScienceNet presented to the guests of the institute

25 November 2016 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Today, a round table   in order to get acquainted with opportunities of  AzScienceNet   science-computer network has been held before the presentation of National Terminology Information System concept and web-portal at the Institute of Information Technology.

President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, vice-president, academician Ibrahim Guliyev, Chairman of the State Committe on Standardization, Metropology and Patents of Azerbaijan Republic Ramiz Hasanov, Executive Director of the Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev, academic-secretary of Divison of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, Stat adviser on multinational, multicultural and religious affairs, academician Kamal Abdulla, director of the Natioanl Museum of Azerbaijan Literature of ANAS, academician Rafael Huseynov, academic secretary of Division of Social Sciences, Correspondent Narghiz Akhundova, head of Office of Administration of ANAS, PhD Fatali Abdullayev, corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov and collegues of the institute attended to the round table.

Academic-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev informed guests about opportunities of e-science network platform AzScienceNet.

AzScienceNet integrates scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS to the pan-European GÉANT research and education network, provides a relationship with relevant international organisations and use of the electronic resources of scientific bases of the world, exchanges a large amount of data via the Internet, and performs the national operator function over scientific and educational networks, he noted.

Speed Internet connection is 410 Mbit / s. So far, 6,500 of computer equipment belonging to scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, was connected to the network AzScienceNet. Meanwhile, technical capabilities of AzScienceNet network were expanded. Currently, it computing power is about 15 teraflops, and the amount of external memory - 400 terabytes, academician said.

Academician said that establishing close ties of cooperation with the competent international organizations of the world, of AzScienceNet creates opportunities for employees of institutions and organizations of ANAS presented by the world's scientific and educational networks: scientists share in their studies a large amount of data and carry out large-scale projects.

Since becoming a member of the GÉANT association in 2014, AzScienceNet has established cooperation with more than 40 countries. The main objective of the association is to organize the issues concerning the creation of high-quality ICT infrastructure for the international science and education, the formation of a single global space-based national electronic scientific-educational environment, improvement of national and international infrastructure used for research purposes.

It was noted that, AzScienceNet network opens up opportunities for researchers working in ANAS. It is possible to check the adequacy of methods and algorithms developed by scientists and specialists, conducting experiments and extensive research.

He also emphasized that, through the monitoring of information security systems functioning in AzScienceNet network, monitor network activities, including monitoring and safety of the use of Internet resources by employees of ANAS.

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