The particles on the smartphone screen it is possible to tell almost everything about its owner

16 November 2016 - 11:32 | Interesting information
The particles on the smartphone screen it is possible to tell almost everything about its owner

According to a recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences study, scientists from the University of California San Diego managed on the basis of samples taken from a smartphone, a fairly accurate portrait of its owner. As you know, people leaves a lot of traces in the form of skin flakes, secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, molecules, microbes, microflora and chemical compounds from items perfumes and hygiene.

In scientific innovations was attended by 39 people, who just enjoy their devices within a few days. The researchers then took 4 samples from different places smartphones and 8 the hands of users. Then the data were analyzed by a mass spectrometer . The result was that the data obtained through analysis of electronic device, which almost completely coincided with the data from the samples of hands.

Moreover, on the basis of information obtained were able to generate incredibly accurate “biological portraits” of the subjects. As an example, the article presents the results obtained from the analysis of one of the volunteers: female, loves coffee, not squeamish about spicy food, alcoholic drinks prefers beer, dyes her hair, uses expensive cosmetics, taking medication for depression, uses sunscreen, also found traces of insecticides. As the author of the study Dr. Amina Bouslimani,

“On the basis of these traces, you can learn almost anything, but to identify the person 100%, like fingerprints, chemical analysis has not yet been possible. On the other hand, the data now can be used in forensics, as well as, for example, in medical practice, to follow the mode of the patients.” 

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