Smartest watch powered by human body heat

15 November 2016 - 10:43 | Technological innovations
Smartest watch powered by human body heat

The Matrix PowerWatch, now available to preorder via Indiegogo, claims to be a fitness-tracking watch that uses your own body heat to stay perpetually charged.

Classic design, innovative functions

According to Matrix PowerWatch - gadget in the form factor of hours. It includes a gyroscope and accelerometer, which allows to monitor the level of physical activity, count the number of steps and calories burned. Matrix PowerWatch also monitor the quality of sleep and work as a smart alarm clock.

To replenish the energy smart clock uses the heat of the human body. The Matrix PowerWatch integrated thermoelectric generator that generates power during wear. It requires a temperature difference, one of the watch is in contact with the warm surface of the skin, in the other masked radiator, and due to this it is colder.

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