The role of social media in citizen science is investigated

31 October 2016 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies
The role of social media in citizen science is investigated

Scientific seminar of the department No. 3 of Institute of Information Technology was held.

Head of the Department-Tahmasib Fataliyev noted that scintific seminar devoted to the topic "The role of social media in the development of the Citizen science". The development of data processing in the formation process of e-citizen science, web-based graphical user interfaces and geographic information systems, mobile technology, smartphones, tablet computers and other portable devices, as well as the social media plays an important role, he said.

Employee of the department- Nargiz Verdiyeva, who presented the report, gave detailed information about citizen science, social media and citizen science, applications of Web 2.0. He is a citizen science volunteers, many amateur citizen involvement in scientific research that the concept. "Citizen Science projects involving the active participation of citizens in science, creates new knowledge and insights", - the speaker noted that more and more such projects are based on information technologies. The required data is gathered via online portals and mobile applications.

Providing information on civil organizations supporting scienc, reporter noted that here, "Citizen Science Association", "European Citizen Science Association" (ECSA), "Australian Citizen Science Association", "European Environment Agency," and other organizations have been included. The number of citizen science projects is growing rapidly, she said.

Nargiz Verdiyeva talked about advantages of the use of Web 2.0 that allowing people easily interact and share data publicy and development in the social media's role.

Citizen science projects to promote the involvement of volunteers, data collection, discussion and the exchange of results, noting that the widespread use of social media and social networking technologies in the scientific process and stressed the importance of applying Science 2.0. She also gave information about projects, motivation, training, and personal use of social media and so on.

The report was discussed at the meeting. A number of suggestions were performed.