Alovsat Aliyev: "It is necessary to improve the sustainability of ICT in the development of economy knowledge "

03 October 2016 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies


Head of department, PhD, assistant professor  Alovsat Aliyev presented a report named “ Improvement problems of  the sustainability of ICT for  management of natural disaster risk reduction  in the development of information society and knowledge-based economy ".He gave detailed  information about the country's socio-economic condition  and formation of information society and knowledge economy. It is very important to increase the sustainability of ICT in the development of economy knowledge,he stated.

Speaking about the legislative base for providing integration to information society, reporter stated that, “National Strategy for 2014-2020 on the development of information society of Azerbaijan Republic” assumes a great deal of importance.

Alovsat Aliyev gave recommendations in the direction of improvement of activities of the government agencies responsible for submitting information, causes of environmental disasters and natural disasters, measures to prevent them, as well as, implementation of scientific-research activities in this area. 


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