Heavy bereavement for Azerbaijan science

16 Jule 2016 - 14:00 | Important events
Heavy bereavement for Azerbaijan science

In the 101st year of life the prominent scientist, who had important merits in development of domestic science, the first information scientist of Azerbaijan, honored worker of science, winner of the State USSR award, Academician Ismail Ibragimov has died on July 16, 2016.

Ismayil Ibrahimov was born on December 31, 1915, in the city of Ordubad. In 1939 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, "Test and Measurement". He was the first Azeri won this specialty.

In 1941-1945 he participated in the Great Patriotic War, the commander of the separate battalion of communication Infantry Division. The academician was awarded the Order of Patriotic War I degree, two Orders of the Patriotic War II degree, Order of Red Star, the medal "For Courage" and others. Medals.

After the war in 1946, he returned to Azerbaijan Industrial Institute at the Department of instrumentation, which went from a senior laboratory assistant (1946-1947), assistant (1947-1948), senior lecturer (1948-1954), associate professor, professor to head the department (1954-1988).

Scientific-pedagogical activity of Ibrahimov is inextricably linked to the research and teaching at the Department of instrumentation, later renamed into the department "Automation of production processes."

In 1952, I.Ibrahimov defended his thesis "Study of electronic potentiometers."

Since 1960 he acted as the rector of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after M. Azizbayov.

In 1964 was awarded the title of professor of the Department "Automation of production processes."

In 1968, Academician defended his doctoral dissertation, was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in "Automation of technological processes."

In 1970 was promoted to first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan. In this position, the scientist actively promoted the establishment of the republic in high-tech industries such as electronics, radio, and instrument, as well as the creation of new industrial technologies.

From 1978 to 1988, I.Ibrahimov again became rector of the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry.

From 1988 to the present day is the same chairman of Azerbaijan Children's Foundation. The scientist is also deputy chairman of the International Association of Children's Funds.

In 1980 he was elected an active member of the Azerbaijan AS, also became chairman of the Coordinating Council on Cybernetics of ANAS.

In 1983 Academician was awarded the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology for work "Development and implementation of control and information systems to improve the efficiency of production," and in 1985 - Prize of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education.

I.A.Ibrahimov was elected a member of the Party Committee and its Bureau, a member of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan and its Bureau, member of the Supreme Council of the Republic, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the delegates to the congress of the Communist Party and the Communist Party of Azerbaijan.

The main scientific achievements include the establishment of I.Ibrahimov methodological fundamentals of mathematical modeling and optimal control of technological processes and manufactures continuous; research related to the development of mathematical models, methods of optimal and efficient management of large-scale production of ethylene in a lack of information. They also developed complex mathematical models of operational planning, optimal control of non-stationary reactor complex, describing the operation of the system in terms of deterministic and fuzzy: fuzzy optimization model of non-stationary reactor complex, taking into account the need for regeneration control of dynamic modes of the non-stationary reactor under the fuzzy initial information.

He is the author of valuable scientific works such as "The methods and models of planning of oil refineries in the conditions of incomplete information" (1987), "Methods of optimal control of production processes" (1983), "The elements and systems pneumatic" (1984), "Instruments of automatic control and regulation of the chemical and petroleum industries "(1959)," Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control and automation of production processes "(1972)," The first technical university in the Caucasus (Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. Azizbekov) "(1981) and others.

Academician I.Ibrahimov was awarded a number of state awards for achievements in the field of science, training of highly qualified scientific personnel, social, public and cultural life of Azerbaijan Republic (2 of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree (1943, 1945), Order of the Patriotic War I level (1945), Order of the Red Star, 3 medals "For Courage" (1945), 2 of the Order of Lenin (1980, 1985), Hero of Socialist Labor (1986), USSR State Prize (1982), Order of the October Revolution (1971), 3 of the Order Red Banner of Labor (1965, 1975, 1983), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (GDR), the Order Sharaf (2015).

Rest In Peace!