Next training courses in the Wiki-center ended

15 Jule 2016 - 17:00 | Important events

Next training courses on subject   "Theoretical and practical basis of the Wikipedia encyclopedia» for the members of wiki-groups operating scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS was held in the Wiki –Center established at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS from June 20 till July 10.

10 scientific institutions and 38 employees from organizations of ANAS took part in the courses.  Problems and prospects, main principles   of Wikipedia  were explained,  general rules of the establishment   of encyclopedic articles ,its structuring and monitoring, downloading  of multimedia resources, , copyright, solution of conflicts in wiki-environment and so on.  Were taught by the staff.

In order to check  knowledge  of course   participants exams were held On July 14 and   their knowledge was considered acceptable.

Considering the number of employees  of  scientific  institutions and organizations of ANAS, next  training courses will start on September,2016.

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