849 PhD students took part in exams on computer science

14 Jule 2016 - 15:00 | Important events
849 PhD students  took part in exams on computer science

PhD exams on computer science were finished at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

In this session, 849 PhD students took part. 14 % of them are specialized in physics- mathematics and technical sciences,21% in chemical, biological and medical sciences, 7% in space, agriculture and geographical sciences and 58 % of them  in  socio-political, socio-economic sciences and  humanities.

26 % of researches who took part in exams from ANAS and 74% of them  from other scientific and educational institutions. 179 of PhD students showed excellent results.

In order to prepare PhD students for exams, different courses have been organized at the Educational Innovation Centre (EIC) since February, 2016. In these courses theoretical and practical bases of computer science were taught.

Distant education centers  of institute are being operated  at Ganja section of ANAS, Nakhchivan State University and Nakhchivan section of ANAS.  PhD students living in Ganja and Nakhchivan have been taught by remote listening. Also, exams on computer sciences have been held over internet in distant form.In this session, 64 PhD students from Ganja and 23 PhD students from Nakchivan took part in exams.

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