Application possibilities of the modern publishing and polygraphy technologies are analyzed

13 Jule 2016 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies
Application possibilities of the modern publishing and polygraphy technologies are analyzed

A next seminar of No. 18 department at the Institute of Information Technology was held. Head of sector Zulfiyya Henifayeva   made a speech on subject ‘’Emergence, evolution and development of modern publishing and polygraph technologies’’. She informed about emergence and types of polygraph technologies, evolution of publishing and polygraph technologies.

Speaking about  software  used in publishing and printing fields, as well as polygraph applications , Zulfiyya Henifayeva   highlighted the importance of digital printing technology .Today it is possible to print not only on paper, but also on different  materials and products ,she mentioned .

According to her, information-communication technology stimulates development of polygraph. Automation of all press system creates a condition to carry out complex activities with few employees. At present, advanced printing technologies is widely applied in many fields like science, education, medicine and so on.

The discovery of 3D-printers can be considered   technological revolution in a society. Beside book, journal, newspaper, it is possible to print even efficient home, food and so on through the 3D-printers, reporter stated.

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