Development of computer translation and foreign language teaching systems problems were discussed

04 Jule 2016 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

A next seminar of No. 15 Institute at the institute of Information Technology was held.

PhD Zarifa Quliyeva presented a report on subject “ Development of computer translation and foreign language teaching systems: existing approachment, problems and solution directions”. She informed about computer translation and educational system, their development technologies and scientific researches conducting in this field. Improvement of national language status eliminate not only economic and political obstacles, but also natural language obstacles.

Globalization and integration of Azerbaijan to the world’s economy, education, science and etc. causes teaching of various natural languages via information and communication technology (ICT) and demand for development of computer dictionaries.

As a result of researches  carried out in 2008-2011 years, setting of optimal structure of  automatic dictionary methods was developed based on comparative analysis of morphological, syntactic and semantic system of English and Azerbaijani languages and  selection of formal features of conducting languages, she said.

In 2011-2013, researches in order to expand of database of automatic dictionary at machine translation system and development  of electronic dictionary for ICT specialists in bilingual situation (Azerbaijan-English and English-Azerbaijan) were carried out.

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