Formation problems of information and knowledge economy are researched

28 June 2016 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of the department, PhD, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev delivered a semiannual report of No.8 department. Investigations on formation problems of information and knowledge economy are continued, he said. In the current year, information and knowledge economy has been analyzed at the international level, methodological and scientific- theoretical basis of organization and formation of technoparks have been investigated.

Reporter informed about scientific-innovative activities of department. It is intended to present grant projects such as Development of economic models  on formation and promotion of information and knowledge economy” to Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic,  “Formation and development of information and knowledge economy” to Knowledge Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Republic and  State Fund for Development of İnformation Technologies under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

According to him, the main objective of the department to strength relations with Tashkent State Technical University, Yildiz technopark of Turkey, High-Tech Park of Belarus Republic and Institute of Informatics Problems and  Institute of Economics.of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Republic. 

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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