Researches on the development of Enterprise Desktop Grid and computing clusters are continued in AzScienceNet network

24 June 2016 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Deputy Director on technologies, head of department, PhD Rashid Alakbarov informed about the research activities carried out in current year. Methods on optimal disturbution of memory and computing resources, issues on dynamic allocation of users’ information in cloud technologies, alghoritm on optimal disturbution of memory resources in computer networks are established, researches on the establishment of Enterprise Desktop Grid and computing clusters are continued in AzScienceNet network, R.Alakbarov informed.

The current state of supercomputer technologies, analysis on solved issues were carried out,requirements on  development of hosting services in AzScienceNet network were developed and researches on creation of computing clusters Data Proccessing  Center were carried out, head of department  noted. Moreover, scientific –research  work with the farmework “E-science  and  development  of new  methods and alghoritms  for its functional subsystems synthesis’’ grant project  are  being  carried out  with the No. 13 department .

Speaking about the work implementedin the direction of infrastructure expansion of AzScienceNet network,activity on reconstruction of network infrastructure  based on intellectual switches , provision  of Wi-Fi, Eduroam services  in several institutes and institutions of ANAS, enlargement and operation   of  “Elm TV internet  television  monitors network , as well as, organizing of direct broadcasting   of  TV’s   shootings  are going on, he said.

5 articles in prestigious scientific journals and 8 articles in national and international level conferences  were  published,R.Alakbarov notedş


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