Institute of Information Technology announced "Enlighten Your Research" program under the framework of EaP Connect

07 June 2016 - 16:34 | Important events
Institute of Information Technology announced "Enlighten Your Research" program under the framework of EaP Connect

To help further promote the benefits of international-scale networking to researchers, EaP now collaborates withleading partners to create an exciting opportunity for the research communities.
The EYR@EaP organising committee consists of a number of partners from the European NREN community.

This brand new edition of the Enlighten Your Research programme invites researchers and their collaborators to submit proposals that highlight how access to advanced networks, technologies and computers would significantly improve their research and discovery process.

The EYR@EaP partners provide and develop high-quality network services for all higher education and research institutions in their respective countries.

If your final proposal is selected for the EYR@EaP programme, you (the main applicant) will get to go to the Eastern Partnership E-Infrastructure Conference, EaPEC2016, in Tbilisi, Georgia, October 6-7, 2016, for free. You will be able to present your research project at the conference and you will be able to go to another conference of your choice organised in Europe.

Apart from the above, the selected final projects can also gain access to:

  • Support and advice on end-to-end network connectivity and use of services.
  • Commitment to an agreed level of (network) resource provisioning and support for 1 year.
  • The submission for the first round is very light-weight and will close on June 30, 2016.
    The documents you need to complete your draft proposal are available for download here:

    We kindly ask you to submit a proposal to if you are a researcher who:

    1. Wants to collaborate or already collaborates internationally;
    2. Can benefit from access to advanced networks and computing facilities;
    3. Can benefit from collaboration with engineers and (support) experts to improve your research workflow.

    We invite you to read the supporting documents above and to get involved.


May 12, 2016 1st round Call for Draft Research Proposals opens
June 30, 2016 1st round Call for Draft Research Proposals closes
 The deadline for draft proposal submission is June 30!
July 1 – 14, 2016 Engineering committee reviews and selects Draft Proposals to continue to consultation round
July 15, 2016 Draft Proposals that made it to the next round are announced
July 18, 2016 –
August 31, 2016
Consultation meetings with researchers and experts will be held
September 1, 2016 Final Research Proposals are due
October 6, 2016 Awarded Proposals are announced
November 2016 -November 2017 Awarded Projects are implemented