Formation problems of terminology in e-medicine is investigated

23 Mai 2016 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Recently, terms like  the e-society” , e-government” , e-services”  are widely used . Also, informatization  in the health sector is going on. Head of sector Afruz Qurbanova   informed about this in scientific seminar  of No.16  department. She presented a report on subject  Formation problems of terminology  in e-medicine’’. Application opportunities of ICT in healthcare at  different stages of the history  are determined by the situation of information , telecommunications and medical technology.

Willem Einthoven invented the first practical electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) in 1903 and received the  Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1924 for it.

In the 20-30s of the twentieth century,telegnosis was applied in order to operate  teleconsultation via radio developing in Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Italy.Also, medical television  was applied in order to conduct  distant training for medical workers.,she informed. The term telemedicine” was used in the 70s of the last century. Afterwards, terms such as telecardiology” , teleradiologia",telepatalogy” were applied.

At present, the more common term is "e-health". E-health is a system aimed to solve public health issues and enabling the communication of patient data between different healthcare professionals. The term can encompass a range of services or systems that are at the edge of medicine and healthcare and information technology.

Terms  system  regarding  e-health, e-medicine is not completely  formed, collection and systematization of terms, submittance in dictionary form are necessary. At the same time, national standarts should be developed in order to interact  terms regarding e-medicine with international terms, she noted.

Researches  are carried out  with financial support  of   Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan (grant № EİF-2014-9(24)-KETPL-14/02/1).

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.


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