The first conference dedicated to the multidisciplinary problems of e-medicine to be held

20 April 2016 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The National Strategy on the “Development of information society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for years 2014-2020” approved by the President of AR Ilham Aliyev, is designed to form e-health, to expand the use of ICT in healthcare, to provide medical staff and patients with all latest ICT opportunities and to access to information, and to develop timely, accessible and effective health services.

The National Strategy aims at establishing an information society in the country, and providing efficient use of these opportunities for the development of the state and its citizens, and improving the quality of services delivered to the population in the fields of education, health and other areas.  In this regard, on May 24 the first republican scientific-practical conference on the “Multidisciplinary problems e-health” organized by the Presidium of ANAS, Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS and Azerbaijan Medical University is of great importance.

To this end, on April 19, Azerbaijan Medical University held a round table to discuss the preparation for the first conference dedicated to the multidisciplinary problems of e-health. The event was attended by the scientists and experts from Azerbaijan Medical University and the Institute of Information Technology.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev made a speech and welcomed the participants on behalf of the administration of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The conference will discuss a number of important issues in 2 areas - ICT issues in medicine and medical problems caused by ICT, he added.

Then Azerbaijan Medical University Rector, Professor Garay Garaybayli spoke about the importance of educational events and training for the use of ICT in medicine, and about the public awareness in this field. He highly appreciated the importance of the conference in terms of identifying the prospects for future cooperation, gathering together the leading scientists and experts in healthcare and ICT sectors.

The round table participants exchanged their views on the subject. Numerous questions were answered.

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