The Institute's delegation attended a workshop dedicated to the study of cosmic rays

11 April 2016 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The delegation of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS took part in a workshop dedicated to the study of the cosmic rays held at, National Aviation Academy "Azerbaijan Airlines", April 11.

Professor Adalat Samadov, Pro-rector of the National Aviation Academy, academician Roald Sagdeev from University of Maryland, and Professor Michael Panasyuk, director of Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University made speeches and spoke about space research.

One of the major challenges facing the scientists in recent years is the study of the space, cosmic rays, and its impact on people and the planet Earth in depth, Acad. R.Sagdeev stated. The creation of a new generation techniques and special equipment in Russia and other foreign countries played an important role in the studies conducted in this area. Concerted efforts of Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University in this area are well known to the international community, he noted. The institute is currently working on research in the field of astrophysics of cosmic rays and obtains important achievements, he added.

Later, Professor M.Panasyuk spoke about his organization, which conducts researches on astronomy, astrophysics and space physics, astrobiology, space biology and other areas. One of the problems in the world is cosmic rays and their impact force, he suggested.

In the end, scientists answered numerous questions of the participants.

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