The lectures meeting international standards is an essential precondition for improving the quality of education

11 April 2016 - 09:40 | Conferences, assemblies

In modern times, the most important task facing the education system of Azerbaijan, which is integrating into the Europe's research and education community, is the development of new education mechanisms, and the growth of this area based on advanced technologies, as well as introducing new scientific and methodological advances in the educational process. In this regard, informatics should be trained for the implementation of the policy of the professional personnel training, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev stated at the assembly of the institute.

According to the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission of AR, since 2003, all doctoral students from all over the country have been trained in computer science and taken centralized admission exams on the subject at the Institute of Information Technology, he added. It should also be noted that the Training-Innovation Center of the Institute created an innovative environment for post-graduates based on new technologies to develop their ICT skills in.

Later, the head of the Training-Innovation Center Rasmiya Mahmudova reported on the content and design requirements for the lectures delivered to doctoral students in computer science at the center. The relations of the lectures and their comprehensibility is of great importance. Authoritative sources should be cited in the lectures, newly used terms and definitions should be explained, and the theory should be linked to the practice.

The questions and lectures will be unified and systemized to strengthen the knowledge of the curriculum, Mrs. Mahmudova added.

There exchanged views on the issue, and a number of proposals were made.

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