1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Big Data: opportunities, multidisciplinary problems and perspectives” kicked off

25 February 2016 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Today the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted 1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Big Data: opportunities, multidisciplinary problems and perspectives”.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev opened the conference and welcomed the conference participants on behalf of the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh, and wished success to the conference work. The conference dedicated to the multidisciplinary problems of Big Data, which is the most important challenges of the XXI century, was organized by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, he stated.

“Abundance of information in the world have emerged the challenges of data acquisition, storage, and processing. Big Data, which is the most important global challenges of our century, plays an important role in solving these problems", academician stressed.

Data Center operating under AzScienceNet network of the institute delivers storage services of large volume of data with the 15 TFlops computing power, and with the memory capacity of 300 Tbyte, he mentioned. Archive of large-scale data (Big Data) collected over the long term by the Earthquake research department of the Republican Seismological Service Center attached to ANAS is stored in this Data Center, he reported.

Data Science is among the most promising field of science of the modern era, which has the multidisciplinary nature, Mr.Alguliyev pointed out. He stressed the importance of researching the international experience in the study of this science, and other issues such as staff training in this field.

Then head of department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Masuma Mammadova presented in her report on “Big Data in electronic medicine: opportunities, challenges and prospects". Due to the process of globalization, the rapid development of new technologies and so on urged the application of information technology in medicine, she said.

"The volume of medical data is projected to reach 25500 petabytes, by 2020", - the speaker mentioned and talked about of the advantages of medical e-cards in medicine, and the introduction of biotechnology, information technologies and etc.

Head of department of the institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev presented his report on "Scientific and theoretical problems of Big Data Analytics". Big Data Analytics is the process of detecting hidden patterns of large-scaled data and other useful information for the optimal decision-making, he noted. He spoke about the restrictions of data analysis methods, which are not sufficient for the majority of the large and complex data. Traditional data analysis methods are not capable to adapt to different situations, either, he added.

The head of department, PhD Yadigar Imamverdiyev made a presentation on "Information security issues in Big Data, and Big Data issues in information security". the wide range of opportunities presented by Big Data technologies can be extensively used in solving the problems of information security.

The conference continued in 3 parallel sessions, namely "Big Data Analytics" session covering "Big data concept and the current scientific and theoretical challenges”, “Big data analytics problems”, “Application possibilities of data mining technologies in the analysis of e-Government system”; “Big Data and Information Security" session covering "Big Data technologies for information security of e-Government", “Big Data application potential in the fight against cybercrime and restrictions", “Big Data problems in Biometric technologies”; “Big Data Applications" session covering “Big Data application in the issues of human resource management, its opportunities and problems", "Supercomputer technologies: current status and development prospects", "Research data issues of e-Science" and so on.

Note that, 57 articles covering various problems of Big Data from various research and educational institutions were submitted to the conference.

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