Research on various problems of information security conducted on

14 January 2016 - 11:42 | Conferences, assemblies
Research on various problems of information security conducted on

Research on various problems of information security is conducted on at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, reported head of the department Ph.D. Yadigar Imamverdiyev during his speech on an action plan for 2016. At present, scientific and practical research on 8 topics in this direction is being carried out for the current year. As part of these studies, head of the department noted that during the current year, a number of methods and models for e-government information security management, including the threat ranking, internet infrastructure sustainability assessment, and other models are scheduled to be developed.

 He noted that the development of models and methods, large-scale data collection and maintenance, an effective analysis method and model are planned for intelligent monitoring of computer networks.

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