Express-information “Abstracts of scientific works of the employees” published

03 December 2015 - 09:01 | New publications
Express-information “Abstracts of scientific works of the employees” published

The authors of the express-information “Abstracts of scientific works of the employees” are the head of the department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, scientific secretary Madina Saidova, sector chief Ph.D. Nigar Ismayilova and employees of Institute Narmin Adigozalova and Sevinj Mardanova.

The new publication includes the summaries of reviews, books and scientific articles, dissertations, theses and reports in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages, published in 2014 by the employees of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Moreover, the express-information provides the information about the results of the bibliometric analysis of research activities of the Institute in 2014, and a number of works of the employees published in the prestigious scientific bases, such as "WoS", "Scopus" and DBLP.

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