President Ilham Aliyev got acquainted with the “BakuTel-2015”exhibition

03 December 2015 - 09:00 | Important events
President Ilham Aliyev got acquainted with the “BakuTel-2015”exhibition

President Ilham Aliyev got acquainted with the XXI Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies exhibition “BakuTel-2015” held at Baku Expo Center.

More than 200 companies participated in the international exhibition.

Then, President Ilham Aliyev got acquainted with the exhibition pavilions.

 Within the framework of ”BakuTel-2015” exhibition, an agreement was signed between “Azercosmos” ASC and French “Arianspace” company on the occasion of launching “Azerspace-2” satellite into the orbit.

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