The problems of formation of information society economy are being investigated

18 November 2015 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of the department, Dr., associate professor Alovsat Aliyev presented an annual report of the department for the current year. The problems of formation of information society economy were investigated within the framework of scientific-research activities, and the indicator system characterizing the formation and development of information society economy in international, national, regional and sectorial levels was developed, he stated.

According to him, the technique was developed for the evaluation of development rate of an information economy, the essence of transition to “green” economy and existing situation regarding its formation problems was analyzed. Additionally, formation stages of techno parks, organizational forms, and characteristic features were investigated and international experience was studied this direction, he stressed.

Speaking about the scientific-innovation activities of the department, Alovsat Aliyev emphasized that the works have been executed within the framework of the grant project “Development of recommendations for the analysis and improvement of the formation of an innovative information society in Azerbaijan” funded by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is also scheduled to introduce a new grant project on the “Analysis of formation of techno park, organization and development of its efficient   activity and solving its management problems’’, he stated.

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