Dr. Ramiz Aliquliyev: ”It is an important factor to increase the number of articles in impact factor journals”

13 November 2015 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head of Department, Dr. Ramiz Aliguliyev presented the reports of the department for current year.  Scientific-theoretical problems of the formation of information society and 10 topics in the development of effective methods have been researched in the department, Ramiz Aliguliyev stated.

The reporter spoke about the works done within the framework of scientific-innovation activities. He gave information about grant projects such as “Investigation of Big Data analysis technologies for Oil-gas industry” funded by the Science Fund  of Azerbaijan State Oil Company and ‘’Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of e-science and its functional sub system”, and “Development of scientific-theoretical and technological bases of anti-plagiarism technologies” funded by the Science Development Fund  under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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