A comparative analysis of web statistics tools conducted

08 October 2015 - 16:40 | Conferences, assemblies


A next scientific seminar on “A comparative analysis of web statistics tools’’ was held at Institutes of Information Technologies of ANAS,  Gulnara Nabibayova, head of department stated.

Junior research fellow of the Institute, Seadet Aghayeva presented the report and mentioned the importance of the matter for improving the activity of web-sites. Since 1995, 892743685 sites have been registered around the world, Mrs. S.Aghayeva noted. The sheer number of sites requires prompt evaluation of situation and decision- making in terms of the competitiveness, the reporter added. As for her, conducting the statics of web-site plays an essential role in increasing the functionality, assessment of the effectiveness of advertising companies, the structure of web-site, detecting the problems concerning the content and navigation of web-sites, and so on.

Web-sites statics facilitates the establishment of a proper marketing strategy. Conducting the statics contributes to the studying of the influence of site and its audience on the internet environment, including, to determining the advantages of competitor sites and the scope of users.

Web statistics is carried out through the log-meters and log-analyzers, the speaker noted and spoke about the advantages of the services as "Google Analytics", "Яндекс.Метрика", "Liveinternet. offering statistical data.

In the end, all questions were answered, suggestion and recommendation were expressed.

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