The institute is preparing for the 70th anniversary of ANAS

18 September 2015 - 10:30 | Conferences, assemblies

Technical Director of the institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov reported on the work done to improve the efficiency of activities of ANAS institutes and organizations as well as other scientific institutions of the republic within the framework of the Action Plan at the assembly of Lecture on the development of e-science on the fulfillment of the tasks envisaged in the Action Plan was reported at the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) of ANAS.

Technical support of ANAS, AzScienceNet Data Center operation, improvement of the quality of work and strengthening the material-technical base are being implemented, Mr. Alakbarov says. Cloud services are delivered over the Internet for high-performance computing and memory resources for scientific research of the Academy.

Development of  various information systems for the academy, and studying scientific and practical problems of e-science formation are the measures taken to develop the domestic and international integration, stated the Technical Director.

 Preparations for the ceremonies dedicated to 70th anniversary of ANAS were  informed. The shooting of documentary film ‘’ANAS-70" and organizational measures, preparation of the book and other publications were noted. IIT is responsible for the organization of exhibitions and design, hardware issues, he mentioned.

In the end, the members of the Scientific Board expressed their proposals and recommendations on the report.

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