Electronic Library Center improving

15 September 2015 - 15:53 | Important events

"Electronic Library Center serves to increase the efficiency and productivity of the members of the Institute”-said head of department Madina Saidova at the meeting of the Scientific Board and informed about the work done at the institute in regards of the improving activity of Electronic Library Center. Note that, the official opening ceremony was held with the participation of the president of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh on December 4, 2014.

The center is equipped with the advanced technology and uses 3M technology to ensure self-service of readers, and to provide the security of the library, and resource identification, mentioned Mrs.Saidova.

"Exlibris" Alephino Library Management System, which is successfully used in a number of European universities and research institutions, is applied at the center to manage the orders and to work out various reports, she said. Resource classification and subjecting is carried out with the classification system of the US Congress Library.

Currently, RFID chips are used in the library, where the books are ordered automatically in the section "Alephino Acquisition".  Access to "IEEE", "ACM", "Oxford English Dictionary Online," "Oxford Reference Online", " Royal Society Journals Collection" and other digital scientific bases is available.

 In the end, discussions were held, and questions were answered.

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